
Line speed Vs data transfer rate

 Browsers and other file transfer agents tend to show speed in terms of kilobytes per second, usually with one or two decimal places.  Thus, you may see your browser report a "Transfer rate:" being "XX KB/Sec", (along with the flying paper graphic as displayed to the right. )

So.. bytes and bits? I just divide by 8 then?    

TCP has an overhead in transmission that can be as low as 3%,
but ATM overhead is more like 10% ..
So you can expect to lose 13% at least when counting application data transfer rate.

Making up a rule of thumb here:

Given a broadband line speed, dividing by 8 and taking off 13% is a reasonable estimate of the maximum likely data download speeds (in bytes of data) you will manage to get.

Adsl line speed Vs Data rate         Maximum possible data usage
  • 256Kbps         28KB/Sec        98 MB / hour
  • 512Kbps         56KB/Sec      197 MB / hour
  • 1Mbps            112KB/Sec     394 MB / hour
  • 2Mbps            224KB/Sec     788 MB / hour
  • 8Mbps            896KB/Sec    3150MB / hour

1. Click here Check the speed by downloading a file from this server or Use torrent to download

2. Alternatively you can check the Upload and download speed from the site http://speedtest.net/ 
    select a nearest location to begin the test.